Tuesday 21 January 2014

Butterflies through my digital camera a symbol of freedom

Here are snaps of some common yet unique butterflies found in Indian natural habitat. These have been captured in various situations while roaming around the landscape in India. These beautiful butterflies are going about their daily chores, enjoying the sweet nectar of different flowers and transferring pollen grains.
The natural and fascinating phenomena of a caterpillar turning into beautiful butterflies itself is an intriguing factor, hard to believe but yet true. This tells us that nature in any form must be respected and nourished. When will humans understand this and practically implement so that our lives are better? We must see the life of a butterfly and learn from it.

Common wanderer butterfly :)
Common wanderer butterfly :D
Common wanderer butterfly ;))
Common wanderer butterfly :D
brown skipper
brown skipper
brown skipper
brown skipper
Common Crow Butterfly
Common Crow Butterfly
Common Crow Butterfly
brown skipper
Common Crow Butterfly
brown skipper
brown skipper
brown skipper
brown skipper
                                              :D  The End :D 





Friday 17 January 2014

Urban Street Dogs Through My Digital Camera, Understanding Life...

These dogs are one of the gods best creations, they are very loyal though they live at one of the corners of some urban grand city; once you give them little bit of food or one small piece of biscuit they will quickly recognize you the next day. They seem to remember you even if you have not given them any food but have done some thing good for the dog.
People say dogs and other animals do not have memory and can not think; I wonder some times if that is so then how come stray dogs remember you though they are not trained like your home dogs. Although no one  has ever taught them any manners yet they are innocent sensible friendly and most of all loyal. I have captured some interesting moments of them doing various activities, hope you will enjoy.

A smiling canine :)

Eating biscuits

Eating biscuits again :D

Heading to rest

Drinking water :)

Resting :D

Enjoying green green grass :)

Wondering around :)

Playing with friends :)
Waiting for the morning sun :)

Posing for the photo :) so cute :)

Enjoying being photographed :)

Scratching :D 

A large family enjoying the shade :D

Keeping warm :)

A mom playing with her pup :)
Loving mom with cute pup :)

Mom is kissing pup :)

A pup is talking to mom :)

Two pups with mom :)
A happy family playing mom and puppies :)