Saturday 14 December 2013

Bathing Ravens Through My Digital Camera

One morning after finishing my morning walk at the nearby park, I reached Red Garden at 6 am. I was walking around looking for birds when suddenly I spotted a congress of ravens taking a bath (natural bath tub) in the middle of garden where some water had been collected. I had no time to adjust my camera settings; it was a kind of cloudy morning and I did not want to miss these ravens taking a bath. These photos may not seem very good although they have been clicked by a DSLR. I could not go near at all due to my fear of scaring them away; as everyone knows ravens bathe for a very short while. When someone takes quick bath and returns, in our part of the world, we tease them by saying “you took a Kauwa Snana or what? The meaning of Kauwa is raven or crow in Hindi and Snana is bathe in Hindi.
Raven preparing for a bath :)

Raven bathing :)

Water loving Ravens :)

conversation in the bath tub ;)

Raven enjoying cool cool water :)
Raven enjoying the water

They enjoyed bathing, I enjoyed watching :D

These snaps were clicked within a period of 3to5 minutes; after that all the ravens immediately flew away in different directions continuously one after the other and the bath tub became completely empty :D.                                      

                                                              See you !


Tuesday 3 December 2013

Giant Fruit Bats Through My Camera

One of the largest fruit bats existing in the Asian continent also known as the Indian flying fox habitats in swampy and rainy surroundings especially in jungle areas where large water bodies are present. They are found abundantly in India,Nepal, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. These bats roam around and live in urban parks in the cities too.
I have never clicked pictures of bats, this is the first time I captured bats on camera.Since bats prefer very high branches of trees to dwell and rest during the day, it is  very difficult to locate  bats in the clicking range. I will try to capture better pictures of bats in future until then hope you enjoy these few photos of bats. :D 
Indian flying fox

Giant fruit bats

Giant bat resting

Giant bat yawning :)

Looks like a small dog hanging upside down :)

Giant bat after a fight at peace :)

Flying fox hanging upside down :) for him straight ;)

Flying fox cradled in it's own wings :)

moving away from each other :)

Giant fruit bat

                        Although bats are a known carrier of some fatal diseases  they are also part of our animal kingdom and have equal right to live on this mother earth. :D
                                                                         Enjoy..... :D



Friday 22 November 2013

Kites On The Ground

We all love to watch birds :D here are few of them on the ground.:)





Saturday 9 November 2013

Hebbal Lake Through My Camera

Hebbal Lake is situated in northern Bangalore along the National Highway 7 at the junction of Bellary Road and the Outer Ring Road. Kempe Gowda created 3 lakes in 1537, Hebbal Lake is one of them.
Twin tower view from Hebbal Lake :D
Scenic view of Hebbal Lake with twin towers ;)
Brahminy Kite at Hebbal Lake :D 
A man's best friend drinking water at Hebbal Lake :D
White Egret waiting for a fishy meal :D :D
White Egret searching for fishes :D
White Egret hunting in the swamps :P
Blue Water Hen at Hebbal Lake :)
Twin Towers staring at Hebbal Lake :D
A healthy canine of Hebbal Lake :D 

These photos are taken of season, Hebbal Lake is frequented by several species of migrating birds but at this time of the year not much to be photographed through the Lake looked  awesome. :D            

                                                              :D  SigoNa :D


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Gardens Through My Camera

Here are few photographs of the gardens I have visited, some of them  I will post today and some of them later on , I hope you will like them. Enjoy :D





More coming Soon :D