Sunday 6 April 2014

Benefits of Green Vegetables and Fruits Through My Digital Camera - our valuable body

Do you eat greens and fruits? If not then you are making a great mistake – no amount of medical supplements can replenish your body like green vegetables and fruits. Green vegetables – leafy or not is most nutritious for our bodies – similarly fruits have many plus points too - take examples from elderly or ancient people. They enrich your body with calcium – iron – magnesium and potassium with other numerous vitamins essential for our well being. Vitamins E – C – k and B series are obtained in great quantities from green vegetables - fruits and most of all they are a good source of Omega 3 fats in small quantities. The overall aging of your body depends on how much greens and fruits you eat. New cell re-growth and proper excretion of waste in your body is the key factor. If you can obtain organic greens it is far more effective but even if you cannot then stick to what you get. Here are some green vegetables clicked by me from my own backyard garden hope you like them.  



Pumpkin flower

Baby pumpkin in the vine

Green pumpkin with vine

Green pumpkin in the vine


Cucumber flower

Young cucumber

Green cucumber

Ripe cucumber

Green chilly





Green mango

Baby peach

Small tomatoes
Lentil sprouts

Lentil sprouts ready in a bottle

Lemon flower


Ladyfinger/ Okra

Mint leaves

Coriander leaves 
If you can grow even a small amount of greens and fruits in your home indoors or in the garden it is definitely the best option. Firstly you are eating organically grown vegetables and fruits and secondly you save good bucks too; Otherwise you have to depend on the market availability. Finally, with the contamination and adulteration of food products in the market and inorganic speedy farming techniques this is the best option for all in the near future.

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