Thursday 6 June 2013

Life of Monkeys

Monkeys are the most common destroyers now a days in the cities. People cant stand them any more, people are always ready to kill them, people are always complaining these monkeys have become a nuisance. Just stop right there and think for a second why these moneys have become problem ?does any one ever think about it ?? NO!  Why would any one want to think about it, they are just  monkeys, a troop of useless monkeys.

Well "Humans" are so so so developed they are killing their own species ,own daughter, mother,father,brother and sister for money, name and fame why would they want to leave anything else, Humans do not care about any thing but money money and money. Humans destroyed the Jungles ( Forest) where all these wild animals were living happily, Humans created Concrete Jungles instead, and still they are complaining these monkeys are nonsense just think for a second who is nonsense Humans or Monkeys ?

Just look at these playful monkeys how cute they are, they would be so happy if they could play in the forest just like their fore-fathers did . They would not be running around for their life , starved with hunger.

People want to worship them as Hanuman ( Monkey God) when it is convenient to them , no one ever really cares how these monkeys are effected .When its convenient to them they will make documentary on these monkeys and earn money but none of them will want to spend their dime on buying a  few pieces of Bananas for these monkeys.

Look at these monkeys how help less they are ,they can not go to the market and buy their food . Many of them have been hit by fire works as people use it to scare them away.

Today this monkey would be sitting on top of a tree branch if these concrete buildings were not covering the earth. Earth belongs to every one, when I say every one I don't mean only Humans , I mean all kinds of beings that are present on the surface of mother earth.Some beings are not effected ,some are effected most commonly we see Monkeys running around for their lives. 

 Don't hate them even if you can't love them. Don't kill them even if you can't give life to them. Don't injure them even if you can't heal them . Don't hit them even if you can't feed them .
Money sitting on the roof


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