Sunday 11 August 2013

Infrastructure v/s Nature

Since the end of 19th century people became more conscious of the concrete jungle and completely ignored what nature has bestowed up on us.The rat race for money made people construct sky scrapers, bridges,factories and various kinds of concrete buildings but they missed what they were destroying in the bargain. In fact they got so carried away that things went out of control.

    picture of some structures
Concrete jungle :)

       Picture of some structure

Forests and river beds were flattened just to plan out houses and garages, river sources were dirtied and polluted by industrial waste , for some people to gain a buck more, In the process infrastructures gave the world an artificial yet thriving convenient living standard; on the other hand they forgot that everything rests on nature's balance.
A Lake which is clean so far

Global warming ,seasonal imbalance increase of natural disasters, shortage of necessary natural minerals were all triggered of at once.All living and nonliving things were simultaneously affected, wild animals were deprived of their shelter and they started to enter heavily populated cities in search of food.
     A flooded town

Many instances of leopards, tigers and other wild cats entering cities ; wild monkeys entering human kitchens, sea and river fishes dying at the shores have been recorded and shown by the  media time again and again.                                
  dead fishes due to river flood
Moneys have come here to drink water

Finally the big blow has hit mankind who is still continuing to destroy just for monetary gain and extra luxury.Most of us have realized in theory but few of us practice the art of saving nature.                                  
     Nainital Lake
Little can be achieved by 20% of people practicing good and the rest destroying nature.When will people actually realize the value of natural resources and implement ideas to save them?I can only wish them good luck for it may be too late to save what nature has given to us to use and enjoy.
                                   Who should be held responsible?
                                   Our forefathers?
                                   we the present generation ?
                                    who ?  who? who ?

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